My Daily Hustle: My grind, my hustle or whatever you want to call it.
I'm starting a daily list on my blog of what I do in my day. ....WHY?? Because most of the time I fill like I'm not getting enough done in my day. The day goes by so fast before I know it, I'm picking up the kids and adults, taxing them around, and of course cooking dinner. This will honestly be therapy for me but maybe it will help someone as well. Even if it only brings you a good laugh or two.
We'll today was bitter sweet, my baby girl started 10th grade. I can't believe my youngest is in her 2nd year of high school. My oldest is 26 her day program started last Monday. This summer has been pretty difficult for us. Remi has intellectual disabilities caused by 22q chromosome deletion. To read more adult my fabulous oldest daughter check out A Moms Special Lifestyle for a Child with Special Needs and Her Joy Overcomes Her Disabilities and my amazing middle child is on her 2nd year in community college which started last week.
So today I was hoping to get a lot done. But that hasn't really happened yet and I only have a few hours before dinner time. So far this is my list of accomplishments. LOL!
1. Wake up with at 6:00. Make sure Sophia eats breakfast. She's not a big breakfast person so that's alway an argument. She had a danish and orange.
2. Prayed with Sophie before she left for the bus.
3. Posted a pick of my handmade jewelry at on instagram
4.Get back in bed until 8:30 but actually didn't get up until 8:45. I'm not a morning person at all. Bed time is not the best for me. I usually go to bet between 11:00- 1:00 depending on my work. Remi usually gets up at once or twice at night to go to the bathroom or need allergy medicine.
5. 8:45 I get up. Make sure Remi is getting dressed. Let Remi brush her teeth than I brush her teeth.
Most of the time this period goes well. She really doesn't like me to brush her teeth. But I have to.
6. Hair time. Remi is wearing her hair naturally curly this week. So we wet it and shower at night, usually in the morning I will wet it a little and maybe put some gel on it.
7. Breakfast time- Remi fixed her own cereal and had applesauce! Medication is given and tv. turned on.
8. Clothes change- Remi wanted to change her shirt and put on a short sleeve shirt. Which I was happy about since its 90 degrees today. While she's doing that I'm quickly getting dressed.
9. Another clothes change- The shirt she changed into was dirty. I try to make sure Remi puts her dirty clothes in the hamper but often that does not happen. Once a week I usually go in her room and get the dirty clothes out of her closet and drawers. So next was to look for a shirt that works for her.
10. Next dropped off Remi around 10:00. I sat in the car for about 20 minutes after taken her into her program to pray and do some pinterest pins.
11. I stopped at Costco on the way home to get gas and called my sister and husband .
12. Now at home I'm still talking on the phone to my sister and having a bowl of cereal. While going over the phone with my college daughter as she heads out to school to talk with her adviser. Making sure she comes home after she's done to clean her room and help with getting the house back in order from the summer run down. She didn't want to hear that but...I know one meeting will turn into lunch, running to the store and visiting grandma.
13. Now I'm on the computer...while talking to my mom and other sister about my nephews 1st day of kindergarten. Life goes by too fast. He was just in pampers. I started working on a few different blog post, getting pictures for the post and my basic outline for what I'm going to write. I'm super new to the blogging career so everything takes me extra time to do. I'm learning and working at the same time.
14. Off the phone now so I can really concentrate on my writing.
15. Shortly after I jump in the shower...I know it's late. I needed to deep condition my hair since I didn't get to it last week. It's supper dry from the beach and the heat. This always takes to long. I love my natural curls but it's so much maintenance.
17. Sierra is still here so she goes to pick up Remi for me. I finish my hair and have sometime to talk with Sophia about her day and makes sure she eat's something before cheer practice at 4:45.
18. I make me a smoothie and half of a steak and cheese burrito for lunch at 3:00. This is usually my lunch time. I'm trying to diet but smoothie's take so long to make. By the time I finish rinsing off the veggies and fruit then putting all of the ingredients into the blender I could have made a regular meal.
19. I finally got to work on my blogs again. Hopefully I can finish 2 by tonight. We'll I worked for about 25 minutes. So now Remi is home so I have to make her a snack and chat with her and Sierra a bit. Sierra is supper excited today, she's been putting in her new hair extensions..... and she loves them. So we have a lot of selfie's happening right now.
Ok back to it
20. Dropped off Sophia at cheer. On my way home witnessed a car accident, so I immediately called 911. I didn't want to get out of the car, cause I knew I had a million thinks I was not going to get to today. But God told me to do it so I did. Than got out the car to check on the 2 woman involved in the accident. Thank God they were both ok for the most part. One of the woman were really shaken up, so I talked to her and called her husband for her. Shortly after the police showed up. I left once the ambulance arrived. I'm glad I decided to stay. Lord knows I've been in my share of accidents.
21. Ok....once I got back in the car called fairly new driver, to remind her to be careful and pay attention when driving.
22. Once I got home I worked on my blog for a few than started dinner. At this point its 7:00, so I went back and forth on whether I should cook or order in. I'm trying not to eat out as much so I decided to go on and cooked. I made a chicken and pasta dish. Very easy to make but it still took about 40 minutes to prepare.
23. Dinner is ready and Chris went to pick up Sophia from cheer practice.
24. Clean up after dinner and put Remi in the shower. Rinse her hair and have Sophia start getting ready for bed as well.
25. Pray with the girls and do a little work before bed. I'm so tired at this point. LOL! I didn't get to everything I had on my list for today. The day went by so fast.
Although I didn't get everything done on my list looking back at this post let's me know it was definitely a busy day. Back on the grind tomorrow.....
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